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Pressing Beyond

Back in 2020, amid lockdown, I was impelled to do something positive. Along with writing my manuscript, I was also maintaining my small business. As an offshoot, I decided to launch and host a podcast, Pressing Beyond. The premise of the podcast is how ‘all walks of life’ have pressed beyond unyielding obstacles and challenges to reach their calling and live out their true purpose. Since the onset of Pressing Beyond, I have interviewed artists, entrepreneurs, business owners, CEOs, award-winning musicians, actors, a former NFL Super Bowl player, pastors, filmmakers, authors, and leaders of non-profit organizations. Overall, it’s hearing great stories. Stories that start with a dream, endure through the challenge, and end with a victory. And everyone has a story.

For me, I continue to press beyond my own personal challenges. Training for two half marathons requires daily runs that at times, collide with my writing. And because writing takes time, creativity, and focus, there are days when not all three are in alignment. My small business comes with its own share of challenges as some projects are deadline-oriented. In short, my greatest challenge is our greatest commodity, time. Ask anyone with a full plate.

Yet, my time is well-invested. Pressing Beyond was just a seed of an idea and now it is a prominent component of my business. Since July 2020, the podcast has been heard across time zones and destinations I never dreamed of and has been uploaded in numbers never anticipated. It was also nominated by the People’s Choice Awards for the best female podcast in 2021. Although it did not nab the award, it did get a nod and for that I was thrilled. More so, I am encouraged by those who have pressed beyond to reach their calling.

Pressing beyond challenges is an integral piece to living out our true purpose. It’s all part of the story. What’s yours?


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